Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine


Partner Us

Partnership with Resal organisation

At Resal, we believe in the importance of partnerships in achieving our goals of providing support and assistance to those in need. We appreciate your interest in joining as a partner with our nonprofit organization and contributing to our humanitarian efforts. If you own a company, organization, or are an individual interested in contributing to our work, we welcome your partnership. Your partnership can help enhance our impact and increase our ability to provide assistance to the communities we serve.

Your Benefits

Benefits of Partnership

Connection to a Humanitarian Cause

Take opportunity to be involved in supporting those in need and making a positive difference .

Increased Awareness

Your partnership can help raise awareness about our causes and the positive impact we achieve.

Reputation Enhancement

your company or organization can enhance its reputation and positive image.

Marketing Opportunities

Your partnership can provide opportunities to promote your brand, products, or services through our collaborations .

Types of Partnerships


Financial Partnership

Your company or organization can provide financial donations to support our projects and programs.


Project Partnership

Your company or organization can engage in specific projects that align with your field of work and aim to improve living conditions for targeted communities.


Awareness and Promotion Partnership

Your company or organization can contribute to producing promotional materials to increase awareness of our causes and promote our goals.
